Mom Who Purchased Raw Milk from Dan Allgyer – Where the harassment began From the Archives.

A glass of milk today is virtually unrecognizable from the milk people consumed in the mid-1800s. Today’s version is pasteurized to kill any possible microbes and toxins, and affects flavor, vitamins and amino acids. Hormones are given to some dairy cows to increase the yield of milk, which, some say, are causing our children to grow faster and larger, physically maturing sooner than ever before. In a European study published last year, 20 different chemicals were found in the average glass of milk, including antibiotics and painkillers. From the archives: Guest: Liz Reitzig – Mom Who Purchases (Illegally) Raw Milk:
Proponents of raw milk say they prefer the cow’s milk they consume to be in a more natural state and believe the risks are minimal when purchasing from responsible dairy farms. They believe their children have less milk allergies and less childhood health issues when they drink raw milk, compared to its chemical-laden counterpart.
Food And Travel Nation asked the FDA about their policy on raw milk sales and consumption. They referred us to their website which clearly states the agency does not believe the consumption of raw milk is safe and can contain dangerous pathogens such as staph, salmonella, E. coli and listeria. To date, 30 states allow raw milk sales and consumption within their state and 20 do not. The FDA prohibits commercial sales of raw milk across interstate lines. All of the information on the site begs one question.
Why do we serve any raw foods at all in this country? Maybe because people want the option. Listen to this landmark runaway jury verdict about raw milk HERE.
Sushi, oysters, steak tartare, carpaccio, chocolate mousse and many more dishes seen in restaurants every day all contain raw ingredients that carry the very same health risks cited by the FDA about raw milk. Why are all of these allowed to be served (with a warning) to consumers, yet raw milk is not?
From the Food And Travel Nation Interview Archives: Elizabeth Dougherty spoke with Liz Reitzig who regularly purchased milk from an Amish farmer for six years. She tells a story I never thought I’d hear in America, of armed agents storming into a dairy farm in rural Pennsylvania. Listen to this unbelievable story here:
About the show: Food And Travel Nation with Elizabeth Dougherty is the fusion of food and travel. This fresh, compelling nationally-syndicated weekend program includes information for homesteading, traveling, gardening, taste tests, and in a twist, listeners hear what restaurant servers say about customers.
- Each week our listeners get the very latest food and travel information
- We produce homemade videos of healthy, easy to make recipes
- We feature no-holds barred interviews in a LIVE, fast-paced, nationwide call-in show.
- Elizabeth Dougherty is a writer, trained chef, world traveler and now an award-winning talk show host.
- Food And Travel Nation was on the forefront of presenting expert guests with vital information about GMOs, at a time when no one was talking about or even knew about the subject.
- We give our listeners, advertisers and stations a LIVE SHOW. (NO “BEST OF’S” EVER!)
- We present hard-hitting topics and interviews without the same old political spin.
- We are very social media conscious and stay in touch with our audience. (200,000 plus)
- We work closely with advertisers and stations to ensure their success.
- We are ready to deliver a fresh, tight, first-class show to your station from our digital studio utilizing Comrex Access and our own automation system.