Graphene oxide has been studied for use in nanotechnology.
We break down the uses of it and why it may be dangerous:
And no, nothing on the market contains 99% graphene oxide except for graphene oxide. So, be careful when you read how the fact-checkers debunk this evidence. Either they don’t know about this, or they are misstating this on purpose.
Wouldn’t it be helpful if companies disclosed the ingredients on their product lists and inserts? Studies have already been done on using it in humans for all sorts of reasons, even though it’s so toxic, it shouldn’t be given to pets.
Until they disclose, it might be helpful to read THIS and THIS
It has been identified in numerous products under high-powered microscopy (all discussed in the sound clip). It does not naturally occur in these products.
IS GRAPHENE OXIDE IN FOOD WATER AND JABS ? – The “hot new thing” that’s being tested in food production. It is graphene oxide. In addition, it’s conductive.
Not your typical food and travel show.
About the show: Food And Travel Nation with Elizabeth Dougherty is the fusion of food and travel. This fresh, compelling nationally-syndicated weekend program includes information for homesteading, traveling, gardening, taste tests, and in a twist, listeners hear what restaurant servers say about customers.
In 2010, I created a light-hearted, entertaining, informative radio program, “Food And Travel Nation”. It’s a mix of everything FOOD, including guest interviews, recipes and food/restaurant related features.
With previous memberships in the International Association of Culinary Professionals, the James Beard Foundation and National Restaurant Association, I have tried to keep abreast of the current and ever-changing trends in the culinary world.