It makes my day when we bring in fresh eggs from the Food Travel USA flock of girls while they run the yard in the mornings. We weren’t sure we wanted to have our own hens, but it’s been a rewarding experience. Most of all it gives my son and the rest of the family respect about where our food comes from instead of just shopping the grocery store. We are grateful. So we buzzed up a Fresh Hen Quick Blueberry Clafoutis .
I hope you’ll buzz this up for breakfast one morning or for a nice dessert snack before bedtime. It literally takes just a couple of minutes to process it and let the oven do the rest.
Ingredients (organic, if possible) Fresh Hen Quick Blueberry Clafoutis
1 pat of butter to grease the pie dish
3 cups wild blueberries
3/4 cup whole milk
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 TB Ghee
1/2 cup cane sugar
pinch of pink salt
3/4 cup King Arthur All Purpose Flour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter or spray a glass pie dish and add fruit. Set aside. In a food processor, add milk, egg, ghee and vanilla. Combine. Add sugar and salt. Buzz. Add flour mixture and buzz until just combined. Pour over fruit in pie dish. Bake for 43-47 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out nearly clean. Serve warm.