almond ck ead

Lifestyle Diet Reset Day #7

Lifestyle Diet Reset Day #7 – This is actually the best of what I had in the last two days, because work and family demands kept me from writing .

So, here we are. Have you been eating this way for a week? If you have, you probably noticed a few things.

    1. Less muscle and joint aches
    2. A calmer disposition
    3. Less hunger
    4. Better sleep
    5. Less acid reflux
    6. A more positive outlook
    7. Better skin!

The last one is really quite noticeable. As you know, your skin is an organ and it’s a reflection of what you put into your body. And not to get preachy, but it’s really an insult to whomever you believe put you here to treat your body poorly. The good news is, every seven years your body largely rebuilds it’s cells, so there’s always a chance to bring it back! Good attitude and wholesome food goes a long way to a healthier you.

Just FYI, about once a week, I buy one of those Hyaluronic face masks in the little packet. They are great. I like Garnier, but I have not seen those lately for some reason. They are on their website, though.

Okay, enough of that. Let’s eat.

By the way, future menus and my personal wellness routine will be on a separate blog and community page. You’ll be able to link to it from the home page.

If you want a square of almond cake in the evening, it’s easy to pop in the oven sometime during the day, and it will last several days in the fridge. (It’s gluten-free, so it should not get stale in the fridge.) It’s lovely heated for 10-15 seconds in the micro.


appoatme ead
one serving plain instant oats (package directions)
when you heat the water, put a diced apple in it
when it’s done add:
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp coconut sugar
1 small capful vanilla extract

cup of Lifeboost Coffee with half and half

one sliced banana
one TB nocciolata or nutella

2 slices Ezekiel bread
2 oz fresh mozzarella slices
2-3 oz sliced tomato
pinch of pink salt
a few basil leaves if you have them
(This good lightly grilled using cooking spray, also)

1 organic mini special dark chocolate bar


quesa ead
2 whole wheat tortillas
1/4 cup mashed (with a fork) canned black beans
1/8 cup low fat shredded cheese blend of your choice
(I like pepper-Jack)

spray a frying pan with cooking spray over low/medium heat
add tortilla with beans and cheese on top, place the other tortilla on top

put a lid on it for a couple of minutes, carefully turn over
don’t burn the tortilla!
when the cheese melts, it’s done
cut into wedges and put salsa on the side (salsa is very low in calories)
Eat with maybe a Beck’s Non Alcoholic Beer or other beer of your choice

Earl Grey tea with 2 tsp iHeartBees Honey
almcake ead
small square of Almond Cake (half the size of the picture!)

Substitute coconut sugar, egg whites, and all fruit jam with no sweeteners

It does contain butter, so be mindful of the portion size.

About Elizabeth Dougherty

Elizabeth Dougherty has been cooking and writing about food intensively for more than ten years. She is the fourth generation of chefs and gourmet grocers in her family with her mother, Francesca Esposito and grandmother, Carmella being major influences in her early cooking years. As a teenager, her family sent her to Europe where she became focused on French and Italian cuisine. She survived a year and half of culinary tutelage under a maniacal Swiss-German chef and is a graduate of NYIT, Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality, Business and Labor Relations. Food Travel USA has won two news awards for content. Broadcasting LIVE each week, nationwide, on and on stations around the country.

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